Smart Technology

Smart Technology & Internet of Things

Smart Home Technology

Systems for music, video, lights, climate and security have become more intelligent enabling you to easily operate them from a smart phone, tablet, keypad, or touch panel. Effortlessly listen to your favorite music from any area of the home with a single button press or set the lights and shades to create ambiance for entertaining in your open concept kitchen and living area. From your mobile device while at home or away you can view surveillance cameras, unlock the door if your child forgets the key, or set the temperature. Smart home technology adds convenience, comfort, and peace of mind. Talk to us at DCS about solutions available for new construction and existing homes

Let us show you how our smart devices can reduce your monthly electricity bill.


Internet of Things (IoT)

What is the Internet of Things? (IoT) is a catch-all term for the growing number of electronics that aren’t traditional computing devices, but are connected to the internet to send data, receive instructions or both.

There’s an incredibly broad range of things that fall under that umbrella: Internet-connected “smart” versions of traditional appliances like refrigerators and light bulbs; gadgets that could only exist in an internet-enabled world like Alexa-style digital assistants; internet-enabled sensors that are transforming factories, healthcare, transportation, distribution centers and farms.

The IoT brings the power of the internet, data processing and analytics to the real world of physical objects. For consumers, this means interacting with the global information network without the intermediary of a keyboard and screen; many of their everyday objects and appliances can take instructions from that network with minimal human intervention.

In enterprise settings, IoT can bring the same efficiencies to physical manufacturing and distribution that the internet has long delivered for knowledge work. Millions if not billions of embedded internet-enabled sensors worldwide are providing an incredibly rich set of data that companies can use to gather data about their safety of their operations, track assets and reduce manual processes.

At DCS, our IoT technology consists of multiple layers, including device hardware, connectivity, data management, applications, analytics and security. Talk to us today and let us help you choose the right IoT platform to connect devices and applications guaranteeing a smooth and easy flow of data and information.

How We Can Help

Our Services

Our first step is to meet with you to understand your needs. Whether you're looking for full home or office automation, seeking to reduce your electricity bill or juet want to be on the cutting edge of technology, talk to us today about how we can assist you.
Platform Selection
There are many smart technology platforms from various vendors. We will sift through the the clutter and find you the right solution for your home or office that will work with the devices that you already own.
Installation, configuration and customization along with a comprehensive training plan to make sure you understand how to use your new devices.
Reduce overhead costs
Once we've decided on a system and implemented it we will customize it to your needs, reducing your energy costs as we go along.
Once your solution is up and running we will maintain and manage it for you. Developing schedules, remotely monitoring and managing as needed.
Monthly we'll take the analytics that we collect from your system and present them to you in a simple, easy to understand format so that you can see the benefits of your spend and the corresponding energy savings.